There’s no doubt that anime consumption has become a worldwide phenomenon. Its rise has been accompanied by a boom in streaming services that offer a selection of anime, many of which secure the exclusive rights to a series. Netflix is no stranger to securing exclusive rights, and over the past several years they’ve developed an extensive collection of “Netflix Originals,” titles to which they hold exclusive streaming rights in certain regions in order to bring in traffic and new subscribers.
BudgetDirect conducted a study on the performance of Netflix Originals by identifying the most-searched Netflix Originals in every country from July 2019-2020, then divided the results by genre in order to isolate the top picks across each genre. We’ve compiled the data solely on Netflix Original anime and identified unique observations about the reception and consumption of anime globally.
Key Findings:
- The Seven Deadly Sins ranked first in nearly 60% of countries worldwide.
- Beastars dominated South America, ranking first in all but two countries (Guyana and Suriname)
- Castlevania ranked first primarily in European and Eurasian countries.
Top 3 Most Searched Netflix Original Anime
- The Seven Deadly Sins – top search in 125 countries
- BLAME! – top search in 34 countries
- Beastars – top search in 26 countries

Other Netflix Original Anime Searches
- Castlevania – top search in 9 countries
- Cape Verde, Armenia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Greece, Moldova, Sri Lanka, and the Czech Republic
- Kengan Ashura – top search in 6 countries
- Angola, Mozambique, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Yemen, and Uzbekistan
- Ultraman – top search in 5 countries
- Laos, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Timon Leste
- Violet Evergarden – top search in 4 countries
- Thailand, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Libya
- Baki – top search in 1 country
- Wallis and Futuna
- Sturgilln Simpson Presents Sound & Fury – top search in 1 country
- Tuvalu
Source: Budget Direct – Every country’s favourite Netflix Original (September 10, 2020)
Most Popular Netflix Original Anime Around the World in 2020
There's no doubt that anime consumption has become a worldwide phenomenon. Its rise has been accompanied by a boom in streaming services that offer a selection of anime, many of which secure the exclusive rights to a series. Netflix is no stranger to securing exclusive rights, and over the past several years they've developed an extensive collection of "Netflix Originals," titles to which they hold exclusive streaming rights in certain regions in order to bring in traffic and new subscribers. BudgetDirect
Industry News Roundup – July 2020
Stay up to date! Project Anime provides some of the latest news in the Japanese pop culture industry during July 2020. For more information on events recently affected by COVID-19, click here. For a list of emerging virtual events, click here. [Anime News Network] Niantic Donates US$10 Million to Support Black Lives Matter Movement, U.S. Nonprofit Organizations [Deadline] WarnerMedia’s Crunchyroll Hits 3 Million Streaming Subscribers As Anime Continues To Gain Traction [Crunchyroll] OTAQUEST Announces OTAQUEST CONNECT Virtual Convention In Partnership with Anime Central [The Hollywood Reporter] Ted Sarandos Named Co-CEO
Industry News Roundup – June 2020
Stay up to date! Project Anime provides some of the latest news in the Japanese pop culture industry during June 2020. For more information on events recently affected by COVID-19, click here. For a list of emerging virtual events, click here. [Anime News Network] Akatsuki Inc. to Bring Japanese Animation to Indian Streaming Services [Animation Magazine] Nick Weidenfeld, Tomorrow Studios Launch Animation JV Work Friends [The Hollywood Reporter] Tomorrow Studios Launches Animation Label With Ex-Adult Swim Exec [Deadline] Michael Lombardo Named President Of Global Television For Entertainment One [The Japan Times] Tencent
Industry News Roundup – May 2020
Stay up to date! Project Anime provides some of the latest news in the Japanese pop culture industry during May 2020. For more information on events recently affected by COVID-19, click here. For a list of emerging virtual events, click here. [Anime News Network] Tencent Subsidiary Becomes Game Developer, Publisher Marvelous' Primary Shareholder [Crunchyroll] WIT Studio's George Wada Appointed Executive Vice President at Production I.G [Anime News Network] Anime-Planet Launches Online Reading Portal in Partnership with J-Novel Club [Asian Nikkei Review] Japan's anime studios fall victim to coronavirus disruptions [Animation Magazine] Crunchyroll