Contributor Guidelines
At Project Anime, we believe in supporting and growing the Japanese pop culture and events industry. To do this, we seek to showcase a variety of voices from across the industry, collaborating to express their thoughts and share them with other industry members.
Project Anime accepts pitches from potential contributors and looks for diverse perspectives to comment on different topics.
Being a Contributor
Project Anime covers topics related to the business of anime, manga, games, Japanese pop culture, and pop culture events. We publish articles of many lengths and styles including, but not limited to, white papers, case studies, and op-eds. Project Anime does not publish reviews or commentary related to animation style, writing, or other artistic merits.
What We Look For:
- Expertise: You don’t have to be well-known, but you must know about the subject that you’re writing about.
- Evidence: You may know your subject well, but you’ll have to prove it to the reader too. It helps to refer to supporting research or describe relevant examples. If you have interesting data to share, please let us know.
- Originality: We want to share your unique insights.
- Usefulness: Project Anime readers come to us to stay informed about the Japanese pop culture and events industry, as well as look for ways to grow and develop their organizations. Providing a point of view that a reader can apply to a real situation is of particular interest to Project Anime readers.
- Writing that’s interesting to read: Project Anime readers are smart and busy. You’ll need to capture their interest right away and keep them engaged throughout your article.
General Guidelines:
- Contributors are expected to write in a professional manner with no major grammar or spelling errors.
- All facts and sources must be cited appropriately from reputable sources.
- Any relevant affiliations or potential professional conflicts of interest must be disclosed prior to submission.
- Project Anime can provide images to complement your article submission as needed.
- If your pitch is approved, our editorial team will provide feedback on your piece as needed.
Once an article is published, Project Anime reserves the right to keep the article publicly available for as long as it sees fit. The contributor retains the rights to link back to the piece and may republish the article to other websites after it goes live on Project Anime.
How to Submit
Please send your pitch to projectanime@spja.org. In your email, tell us a little about yourself, what you want to write about, and include some relevant writing samples. Please do not send us any completed articles to re-publish on our website.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Project Anime team and provided with feedback. This process may take up to 2 weeks. If your submission is not accepted, we will provide feedback and potentially a recommendation for a different pitch.
Being a Commentator
From time to time, Project Anime’s editorial team develops articles that may require commentary from a variety of sources. If you would like to be considered in the future, please see below for information:
Examples of Content that We Seek Commentators For:
- Debate-style articles that show different perspectives on recent news or other topics
- Insights on industry trends (ex. Anime & Manga Industry Analysts Share Their 2021 Predictions)
What We Look for in Commentators:
- Professional experience in the pop culture or event industry
- Non-anime subject-matter experts who are fans of Japanese pop culture
Interested? Please send an email to projectanime@spja.org with the following information:
- Your professional experience (What do you specialize in? Feel free to send your LinkedIn profile.)
- Your personal interests (What genres do you like? Any notable hobbies?)
- Why you want to be a commentator for Project Anime